viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

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jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

Debes leer en este verano: Shadow Hills de Anastasia Hopcus.

"Shadow Hills"

de Anastasia Hopcus



400 p.

Después de la trágica muerte de su hermana Athena, es obvio que, la paesadumbrada Persephone, Phe, ya no pertenece mas a Los Angeles. Esperando darle sentido a la repentina pérdida de su hermana, y a los crípticos sueños que le han seguido, Phe, abandona su burbujeante estilo de vida en LA, para inscribirse en una estricta preparatoria en Shadow Hills, MA-- una escuela que misteriosamente es mencionada en la última entrada,antes de su muerte, del diario de su hermana.

Al llegar, Phe, rápidamente se da cuenta que Shadow Hills, es una ciudad extraña. Se habla de que una extraña epidemia acabó con cientos de vidas en los años 1700, también algunos lugareños tienen cualidades extrañas con el metal y incluso Zach - un guapísimo extraño que Phe conoce y por el cual se siente inmediatamente atraída- parece estar escondiéndo algo realmente serio. Phe esta determinada a llegar al fondo del asunto. Y mientras más tiempo permanece en Shadow Hills, mas se convencé de que la inoportuna muerte de su hermana y su propio destino están intrinsecamente relacionados con los habitantes de Shadow Hills.

Descripción tomada de:

Original en Inglés, traducción RoseCBR

Must Read this Summer, Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus.

"Shadow Hills"
by Antastasia Hopcus
400 p.

After her sister Athena's tragic death, it's obvious that grief-stricken Persephone "Phe" Archer no longer belongs in Los Angeles. Hoping to make sense of her sister's sudden demise and the cryptic dreams following it, Phe abandons her bubbly LA life to attend an uptight East Coast preparatory school in Shadow Hills, MA -- a school which her sister mysteriously mentioned in her last diary entry before she died.

Once there, Phe quickly realizes that something is deeply amiss in her new town. Not only does Shadow Hills' history boast an unexplained epidemic that decimated hundreds of its citizens in the 1700s, but its modern townies also seem eerily psychic, with the bizarre ability to bend metal. Even Zach -- the gorgeous stranger Phe meets and immediately begins to lust after -- seems as if he is hiding something serious. Phe is determined to get to the bottom of it. The longer she stays there, the more she suspects that her sister's untimely death and her own destiny are intricately linked to those who reside in Shadow Hills.

Description taken from:

lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Featuring "Thirteenth Chime" by Emma Michaels, and Author's Interview!!


Thirteenth Chime
by Emma Michaels
Bokheim Publishing
13 Aug 2010

No one knew of its existence until it was removed from the attic upstairs.
In a beautiful house that overlooks the sea, an antique clock has the power to change the course of their lives.
The power the clock resonates will not only force Destiny and ex-boyfriend David on a journey into the depths of one man's mind long dead, but into the mind of a man filled with hatred and bent on revenge.
With the only clues to the nature of the clock having disappeared into the sea, Destiny and David must retrace the steps the man had taken into the darkness, before they fall prey to the trap he had set in motion over half a century ago.
Hatred never dies.

This is Emma Michaels's Debut Novela, to be release August the Thirteenth , 2010.

Interview with Emma Michaels

RoseCBR: Hi Emma, can you tell us, a little bit more about you…

Emma:Well, I am a chocolate-loving, island-dwelling, book-a-holic, who has been fortunate enough to not only get published but to share my debut novel, "The Thirteenth Chime" with everyone. I love drawing and painting. I enjoy Budokon and a good computer game occasionally.

RoseCBR:When did you started to write?

Emma: Shortly after I read my first YA novel, I began to scribble out some ideas. But I only began to write the way I have now just a few years ago, when I began planning "The Thirteenth Chime". Once I started writing, there was no stopping me!

RoseCBR: How does Thirteenth Chime, was created, how the first idea of this book came to your mind?

Emma: (I'm not sure about your question here, sorry! But I'll try :) ) The first idea for the book came to my mind when I was experiencing a large storm here on the island where I live. We had lost the power and went to our neighbors to share a few candles. Lightning was flashing and thunder could be heard over the waves and wind. Just at that moment when the storm quieted for a moment, the grandfather clock in the house began to chime. The sound echoed through the house and I can remember unconsciously reaching out for someone's hand, wanting to feel the bond of another in that moment. It was then that the first idea and inspiration of "The Thirteenth Chime" was born.

RoseCBR: Did you make any kind of research for Thirteenth Chime?

Emma: Yes, I actually spent almost two years doing the research for the book - I wanted to have the details as perfect as I could manage. I visited the town of Steilacoom and studied the prison island that I used for inspiration. The grandfather clock that originally inspired the idea for "The Thirteenth Chime" was also very important, and I talked to numerous clock-makers and researched antique clocks. I interviewed prisoners and prison guards, had a delightful conversation with a warden, talked with several different hospitals and EMTs. In fact, I would say that seeing these places, doing this research and interviewing the people I was fortunate enough to speak with was as enjoyable for me as writing the book. I am very thankful to everyone who has been a great help and wonderful support.

RoseCBR: Did you stop writing it at any point?, if so how did you re-start writing?

Emma: I didn't stop writing once I began. However, I'm a bit of a perfectionist (in my own mind, at least) and I kept scrutinizing the first paragraph of the first page. I wanted it to really catch the interest of an agent or publisher. It worked with the publisher but the agents didn't catch on as quickly.

RoseCBR: How has been the publishing process?

Emma: The querying process was a bit of a nightmare at first when I began querying agents. But once I took the plunge and began querying publishers directly, there was a tremendous difference in how they responded. With the agents, I received standard form rejections. With the publishers, I received personalized responses that were very complimentary and supportive. After I made my decision and chose a publisher, the rest of the process has been a blur. Bokheim has really been supportive and helpful in making the book ready for it's August 13th debut, and they've really made the process on my end easier than I ever would have expected. I am very thankful to Bokheim and everyone who has been so supportive!

RoseCBR: Now that Thirteenth Chime, is about to be release, how do you feel?

Emma: Some days, I still can't believe it *laughs* I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I was still receiving rejections from agents. As a matter of fact, there are days I check my e-mail and there is another standard form rejection from an agent. Then I read the words from fellow bloggers, blog readers, my editor, my father, my fiance and so many others. I knew I wanted to be an author, but I hadn't known until right now just wonderful and right this feels to me. I love writing and I hope to be able to share my books with each and every one of you for many years to come.

RoseCBR: Anything else you would like to say to bloggers, readers, etc.?

Emma: Thank you everyone for your support and kind words! I really hope you will enjoy reading "The Thirteenth Chime" as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I also promise I will keep writing for each and every one of you for as long as you want me to write! Enjoy the book!


Crazy Book Reader, want to thanks so much to Emma Michaels, for her time and kindness. I really wanted to read Thirteenth Chime, but now that I get to know a little bit more about Emma and about the process of writting Thirteenth Chime, I really can't wait to read it. Hope everyone of you feel the same. So don't forget to go to the book store on August the Thirteenth and get your copy of Thirteenth Chime.


sábado, 17 de julio de 2010

Review Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins.

Hex Hall
by Rachel Hawkins
Disney Hyperion
323 p

1. Sophia has spent must of her life moving away, trying to fit somewhere. Together she and her mother have always tried to hide what Sophia truly is; maybe you can run from everyone but will never run from yourself. And Sophia has to accept what she is, and the responsibilities she has, for, you know being a witch. While trying to perform a spell to help some school girl, things go wrong, so wrong, that “The Council”, send her to Hex Hall, a reformatory school, were Sophia is going to learn how to be discrete about her powers and, as the council says, she is going to be safer than surrounded by humans. But in this school, not everything is how it seems, and Sophia is going to learn that even surrounded by people like her, she can still feel alone, and that she must not trust, not even in the ones she loves the most.
2. Thanks to Heather from, I got the opportunity to get in the ARC TOUR of Hex Hall. I must say I loved the book, the hard covers, and the light yellow pages, with this wonderful smell as new book. The cover picture is amazing; it shows pretty much what you are going to read about.
3. For me this is an all age book, but specially focused to young adult and teens, it has, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, tons of terror, and incredibly lots of comedy.
4. This is a pretty well written book, no loose ends at all; all characters are loyal to their personality. Characters are strong and memorable, you can get in touch with them, get to know them so well, athat you may found yourself actually worried about what will happen. Sophia is not a silly girl, she is strong and so smart, and that’s why you are going to love her. And Archer, gosh Archer, he is handsome, intelligent, attractive, rebel, and maybe a little bit evil, lovely.
5. I couldn’t stop reading it, definitely a page turner, once I started I was so involve with the story, the characters I just wanted to read more, Hex Hall is so well described that I feel I was there, breathing it, living it. I laugh in almost every page, but also sometimes I got really scared, I was afraid of even turning back, I was feeling like if someone was behind me… so scary.
6. But that is exactly what makes this book so wonderful that you may live it and feel it as if you were part of the story.
7. I recommend it to all young adults and teens; I know you will love it. And definitely a must read for this summer, so I give Hex Hall 5 Crazy Cat (s).

Reseña de Hex Hall de Rachel Hawkins.

Hex Hall
Rachel Hawkins
Disney Hyperion
323 p
1.Sophia ha pasado toda su vida mudándose, intentando encajar en algún lugar. Acompañada por su madre, siempre han tratado de ocultar lo que Sophia en realidad es. Al final puedes huir de todos, pero nunca podrás huir de ti mismo. Y Sophia debe afrontar lo que ella es y las obligaciones y responsabilidades que tiene; Sophia es una bruja. Al tratar de hacer un hechizo para ayudar a una compañera de la escuela Sophia causa muchos problemas, tantos que esta vez ya no pasa desapercibida por el Consejo de Brujos y es enviada a una escuela en donde, por fin, coexistirá con Prodigium, seres mágicos; ahí la enseñaran a ser discreta y cuidadosa con sus poderes, y permanecerá segura. O al menos eso es lo que les han dicho. Sin embargo en esa escuela no todo es lo que parece ser y Sophia descubre que puede sentirse sola incluso entre los de su propia clase y que no puede confiar ni siquiera en sus seres mas amados.
2.Tuve la maravillosa oportunidad de leer el ARC, gracias al ARC TOUR, organizado por Heather de Fire and Ice; así que pues el libro está hermoso, pastas duras, paginas gruesas en ese ligero tono amarillento que tanto amo, y con el olor a libro nuevo, me encantó. La portada es fenomenal, la fotografía en la portada es un perfecto avance de lo que estas por leer.
3.Un libro para jóvenes adultos, que encantará también a adultos y adolescentes. Es un libro lleno de magia, suspenso y romance.
4.Un libro completamente ordenado y coherente, todos los personajes actúan fieles a su personalidad. Desde el instante uno conocemos a Sophia, una chica inteligente y rebelde, y nunca se deja engañar y eso es algo que me encantó del personaje, que no cae tan fácil en las trampas. Los personajes secundarios son excelentes, son varios y aun así los identificas perfectamente bien a todos; y ni hablar de Archer, el chico, por Dios y que chico, guapo, inteligente, divertido y rebelde, todo un chico malo y encantador, tienes que amarlo. La historia esta perfectamente bien circulada, no deja cabos sueltos, ni asuntos en el aire.
5.Lo devoré, no podía dejar de leerlo, me tenia dando vuelta a la página sin parar, es un libro divertido y maravilloso. Rachel Hawkins escribe de manera espectacular. En cada página hay algún comentario que te hace reir a carcajadas y aun asi, aun así, hay veces que mueres de miedo, o que giras detrás de tu hombro esperando ver detrás de ti lo que estas leyendo, no lo niego tuve problemas para dormir ese día.
6. Es un libro que te transporta a los lugares y te hace sentir que eres parte de él. Me encantó, uno de los libros que definitivamente deben ser parte de mi colección y sin duda tengo que leer Demonglass, la secuela, que esperamos para Marzo del 2011.
7.100% recomendado, si te gusta la magia, el suspenso, el romance paranormal y la fantasía urbana, no hay duda que debes leerlo. Uno mas para estas vacaciones que no puedes dejar pasar. Le doy 5 Crazy Book Cat (s).

viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

Follow Friday my Book Blog!!

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1.Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {} and any one else you want to follow on the list
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4.Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
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Happy Follow Friday!

martes, 13 de julio de 2010

IMM no. 1 WOW (english)

Finally dear Mr. Mailman brought me this:

IMM es un meme que creo Alea de ,

desarrollado mas a fondo por

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins, and it goes right to the top list of my TBR pile, because it is from an ARC TOUR hosted by Heather from, and I must send it back asap, thanks so much to Heather for including me on the ARC TOUR.

IMM no. 1 WOW

Y hoy por fin, el amable Sr. Cartero me trajo esto:

IMM es un meme que creo Alea de , desarrollado mas a fondo por

Hex Hall de Rachel Hawkins se va directo al tope de mi lista de libros por leer, de hecho suspendo los que leo ahora por leerlo, ya que es un ARC tour y debo devolverlo pronto, muchisimas gracias a Heather de , quien amablemente me ha incluido en este ARC TOUR, esperen pronto la reseña.

un Beso

lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

Reseña de Switched de Amanda Hocking.

de Amanda Hocking
Kindle Edition

1. Wendy, de 17 años, se sentía una extraña, nunca había sentido como si perteneciera a ningún lugar, pero bueno eso es normal en cualquier chico de su edad, el asunto es que Wendy no es una chica normal. Después de un cruel y trágico incidente en su sexto cumpleaños, Wendy quedó al cuidado de su tía y su hermano mayor. Wendy nunca había apreciado realmente todos los esfuerzos que su hermano y su tía hacían por ella; y justo cuando ella estaba a punto de devolverles los favores siendo haciendo un esfuerzo y agradecida y cariñosa, se ve forzada a dejarlos, y es ahí cuando su aventura hacia una imposible e increíble realidad comienza.
2. Leí Switched en formato de libro electrónico, así que extrañe un poco el sentir el libro en mis manos, sin embargo el diseño de las páginas electrónicas es lindo y limpio, tiene unos detalles florales en las esquinas, muy agradables. La portada, publicada en el blog de la autora, es también muy bonita, la fotografía es muy buena, sin embargo, siento que le hizo falta un poco mas trabajo de diseño a la portada.
3. Switched es un libro para jóvenes adultos, lleno de fantasía urbana y romance paranormal, así que si te gustan estos géneros no puedes dejar de leerlo.
4. Todos los personajes son fuertes y bien definidos, muy reales y poco exagerados. Aunque, en el comienzo del libro Wendy es una chica rebelde, con una vena de maldad y perdió un poco de eso en los últimos capítulos y realmente lo extrañé. Eso mismo ocurrió con el personaje principal masculino, que en un principio era un poco espeluznante y luego se transformó por completo en un caballero, aunque ésta podría ser la intención de la autora, a veces quisiera que los personajes se quedaran como su personalidad fue definida en un principio, no quiero decir que los personajes no puedan evolucionar durante el libro, pero hay algunas características que no deberían perder. El argumento es claro, no hay confusiones, tenemos un principio, un medio y un final, y eso es excelente, porque lo que se espera que se resuelva de modo alguno, al final se resuelve, no hay cabos sueltos. Sólo hay una cosa que me encantaría pedir al autor .. Necesito un poco de explicación sobre los zapatos ... haha ok no digo más porque no quiero spoilers aquí.
5. Disfrute mucho leyéndolo, la escritura es tan sencilla y limpia que no me distraje con nada, no hay descripciones excesivas, no hay exceso de palabras para contar una sola cosa. Amanda tiene una manera muy divertida de contar las historias, como si estuviera contándote un chisme, y eso es divertido y encantador. Me divertí y realmente me enamoré de algunos de los personajes masculinos, atractivos, leales, valientes, todo lo que una chica quiere.
6. Switched es un libro hermoso, divertido y tenebroso y con un montón de romance. Necesita un poco mas de acción y amarrar algunos cabos sueltos, pero realmente estoy interesada en leer las secuelas.
7. En verdad recomiendo leerlo, en especial para estas vacaciones de verano. Y si eres fan del género fantasía urbana y romance paranormal, entonces debes leerlo. Le doy cuatro Crazy Book Cat (s).

Monday Featuring Review, Introducing: "Switched" by Amanda Hocking.

by Amanda Hocking
Kindle Edition

1. Wendy, 17 year old girl, was an outsider, she has always feel like she does not belong anywhere, but hey that's normal must kids feel that way; the only thing was that she is not like most kids. After a dramatic and cruel incident on her 6th birthday Wendy, came under the care of her aunt and her big brother. Wendy never really appreciate all the efforts her aunt and brother did for her, and when she was about to begin thanking them and making efforts to give them something in return for their sacrifices, she is forced to leave them, and then is when her adventure to a incredible and unbelievable reality will begin.
2. I read Switched as a e-book, so I missed a little bit the feeling of having it physically on my hands, though the pages design is neat and has this little flower design on some corners that make it look nice, the cover was published on the author’s blog, and the picture looks beautiful, so dramatic, but I think it needs to be worked a little but more on the details.
3. Switched is a young adult book, full of urban fantasy, and paranormal romances, three of my favorite genres. So I encourage to all who love this genres to read Switched this summer.
4. All the characters are strong and well defined, very real and not exaggerated. Though in the beginning of the book Wendy is a rebel kid, with a mean vein and she lost a bit of that on the last chapters and I really missed that. Exactly that happen to the main male character which in the beginning was kind of creepy and then he transformed completely into a gentleman, although this could be the authors intention, sometimes I wish characters remain as their personality was defined, not that they can’t evolve on the book, but there are some characteristics that they must not loose. The plot is clear, not confusions, we have a beginning a middle and a ending, and that is great, because what we expected to get solved in any way, at the end it is finally solved, no loose ends. There is only one thing I will love to ask the author.. I need some explanation about the shoes…haha ok I say no more because I don’t want spoilers here.
5. I enjoy reading it so much, the writing is so easy, so neat, that I didn’t got distracted by anything, no excessive descriptions, and no too much words to tell one thing. Amanda Hocking has a very funny and enjoyable way to tell stories is like she were gossip with you and that is lovely. I had fun and I really love some of the male characters, attractive, loyal, valiant, all of what a girl wants.
6. Switched is a beautiful book, with lots of fun, with a unique spooky vein, and lots of romance. It need a little bit more of action, and some closures,but definitely I am really looking forward to read the sequels of it.
7. I really recommended it, specially for the summer vacations. And if you love all paranormal romance, and urban fantasy, this is a must read for you. I give it 4 Crazy Book Cat (s).

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

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Happy Follow Friday!

jueves, 8 de julio de 2010

Reseña y Concurso Ghostgirl de Tonya Hurley!!

Si, mi primer concurso!! Emoción!!!


Tonya Hurley


336 p

1. Charlotte, siempre se había sentido invisible para todo el mundo, determinada a cambiar las cosas, decide acercarse al chico de sus sueños y conquistarlo, trágicamente eso es lo ultimo que ella hace. Charlotte esta muerta. Después de aceptar su muerte, Charlotte decide que este no puede ser el final, y que debe cumplir con sus objetivos.

2.La Edición de Santillana del 2008, es simplemente hermosa, el arte completo del libro es increíble, el dibujo de la portada con la creepy Charlotte, es divertida y triste a la vez. Los colores me encantan, son mis favoritos, morado y negro, tal vez por eso es que compre el libro, las paginas son encantadores, con diseños florales pero creepys, no luce aniñado, es un diseño aniñado y espelusnante; como dije ya, el diseño del libro es divertido y triste, espelusnante y lindo.También la primer pagina de cada capitulo es en negro, con una cita referente a lo que leeremos en el capitulo. Estas citas son divertidas y un buen prologo para cada capitulo.

3.Este libro es una excelente elección para adolescentes, chicas especialmente, ya que creo que todas algunas vez nos hemos sentido así. Aun así, también creo que los chicos deben leerlo al igual que algunos adultos, ya que el libro da algunos buenos y útiles consejos.

4.El libro esta muy bien escrito, todos los personajes están especialmente bien definidos, te puedes hacer una imagen exacta de como son los personajes, e incluso podrá hacerte pensar sobre personas que conoces. Aun cuando toda la historia gira alrededor de Charlotte, todos los demás personajes tienen lineas suficientes como para llegara conocerlos bien. El libro no tiene muchas tramas, solo una principal, Charlotte siendo guiada hacia el otro mundo, así que no te pierdes en el libro, ni hay confusión, pero esto hace que el libro sea muy simple, sin misterios.

5. En realidad, yo no quería leerlo, pero lo compre por su hermoso diseño, pero después del primer capitulo quede en verdad intrigada, quería saber como resolverían la situación de Charlotte y los demás. Por supuesto que no es un libro que haya cambiado mi vida o mi manera de pensar, es un libro para entretener, no mas. Tonya Hurley tiene una divertida manera de contar la trágica historia de Charlotte, mucho humor negro.

6. Pienso que este libro es una gran manera de pasar el rato, y divertirse un poco. Leería las secuelas si me as llego a topar, pero definitivamente no estoy desesperada por leerlas.

7. Lo recomiendo mucho para los adolescentes, que seguramente se divertirán mucho leyéndolo, y tal vez se identifiquen con algunos de los personajes, y creo que el libro tiene buenos consejos para los chicos, de hecho para todos. Si no eres adolescente también puedes leerlo y pasar una tarde divertida. Le doy 3 Crazy Book Cat(s)

Nos vemos en la siguiente reseña!!

Y para los que leyeron toda la reseña y llegaron hasta aquí; pues aquí les tengo mi primer concurso, voy a regalar el libro "Ghostgirl" de Tonya Hurley, que hay que hacer para entrar:

1. Seguir el blog +3
2. Seguirme en Twitter (@RoseCBR) +1
3. Contar de este concurso en Twitter, FB o en tu blog + 2
4.Comentar en la entrada del concurso (la que esta en ingles) +1
5.Sumar todas las entradas en tu comentario +1

Recuerda poner ligas a los comentarios que hagas del concurso, y también para que sea mas fácil el conteo, por favor, tu comentario para el concurso ponlo en la entrada de Ghostgirl, pero la que esta en ingles.
El concurso aplica para América Latina (Incluye Brasil), US, Canadá, España. Y termina el 30 de Julio.

Book Review and Giveaway!! Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley.

Yes my first Giveaway so stay tunned!!

by Tonya Hurley
336 p.
1. Charlotte, has always felt invisible to the world, determined to change things, she approach to her dream boy, and tragically that is the last thing she did, Charlotte is dead. After accepting her dead, Charlotte decide that this is not the end, and that she must accomplish her goals.
2.2008 Santillana Edition, is just beautiful, the entirely art of the book is just amaizing, the cover with the draw of a creepy Charlotte is so funny and also sad, I specially love the colors, haha, both my favorite purple and black, maybe that is why I bought the book, the pages are lovely, with floral designs, but in a creepy way, it does not look girly it look creepy girly, as I say all the design is funny and sad, creepy and nice. Also in every first page of the chapter we find a black page with a quote making a reference of what we are going to read on the chapter, it is funny and a good chapter prologue.
3.This book is a perfect choice for teens, specially girls, cause I do believe that in some moment of our lifes we all feel invisible, and that's why even it is a book for girls, every boy and maybe some adults must read it, it give some good advices.
4. The story is well written, all characters are specially well defined, you can make an excatly idea of how those characters are, even it makes you think of people you know. Even all the story goes around Charlotte expirience, all the other characters have enough lines so reader can get to met them well. The story does not have many storylines, just one, Charlotte passing out, so you don't get lost between lines, but that makes it a very simple book, no mysteries.
5.I really did not wanted to read it, but I bought it because I loved its design, but after the first chapter I was really intrigued, I wanted to know what will happen to Charlotte and the others. It didn't change my life or my mind, it is an enterteining book, Tonya Hurley has a very funny way to tell Charlotte's tragic destiny, so it is like a dark humor.
6.I think of this book just as a book to spend some time and have a little bit of fun. I would read the sequels if I pass by them, but definitly I am not desperate to read them.
7. I recommend it for teens, they will have fun reading it, and maybe they could identify with some of the characters, and I think it has pretty good advices for them. If you are not a teen you may read it as well and have a fun evening with it. I give it 3 Crazy Book Cat (s).


See ya on the next review!!

Ok for all of you who read all the review, and finally get down here, here it comes my very first giveaway, of course I'm giving away Tonya Hurley's "Ghostgirl" (Alfaguara 2008 Edition, latin edition). As it is in Spanish, this is a giveaway for latin speakers, though if you don't speak spanish, maybe you will want this book as a collection, and I must say this is a pretty book!!. Ok Giveaway is for Latin America, US, Canada and Spain (only) sorry to the other countries, but You may participate if you wish, but You should pay the shipping (once again sorry). To enter giveaway:

1. Following this blog +3 entries
2. Following me at Twitter +1 entrie (@RoseCBR)
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So Good Luck and let this craziness begin!!!

Giveaway ends on July the 30.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Para leer en este Verano, Legacies, de Mercedes Lackey y Rosemary Edghill.

de Mercedes Lackey y Rosemary Edghill
Tor Teen
320 p
Spirit White, no era exactamente una adolescente normal, pero cuando por un extraño accidente la convierte en la única sobreviviente de su familia, queda bajo la tutela de una extraña escuela orfanato, en medio de Montana - La Academia Oakhurst- y el mas extraño aún Director de la misma, Dr. Ambrosius.
Original en Ingles
Traducción RoseCBR

Must Read this Summer, Legacies, by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill.

by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill
Tor Teen
320 p

Spirit White wasn't exactly a normal teenager; but when a freak accident left her the only survivor in her family, she found herself the legal ward of a strange boarding school and orphanage in the middle of Montana--the Oakhurst Academy--and its even stranger headmaster, Doctor Ambrosius.

Description Taken from:

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Para leer en este Verano, Marcelo in the Real World, de Francisco Stork.

Marcelo in the Real World
Francisco Stork.
Arthur A. Levine Books
320 p
Marcelo Sandoval,de diecisiete años, oye música que nadie más puede oír,parte del daño generado por una clase de autismo, que ningún doctor ha sido capaz de identificar. Marcelo es etiquetado "con un desorden de desarrollo" debido a su marcado interés en Dios y todas las cosas religiosas y porque él no se relaciona con otros como se espera.Siempre ha asistido a una escuela especial donde sus diferencias han sido protegidas. Pero el verano después de su graduación, su padre exige que Marcelo trabaje en el correo de su despacho de abogados, para experimentar "el verdadero mundo".Ahí Marcelo encuentra a Jazmín, una colega hermosa y sorprendente, y Wendell, el hijo de otro compañero en la firma. Marcelo aprende sobre la competencia y los celos, la cólera y el deseo. Pero es una fotografía que encuentra, una foto en un archivo -la foto de una chica con solo la mitad de la cara- lo que realmente lo conecta con el mundo real: su sufrimiento, sus injusticias, y lo que él puede hacer para pelear por ello.

Nota Personal: No he leído este libro aún, pero pienso que este tema es muy interesante, y que las personas debemos más informadas acerca de este tipo de desordenes, para que podamos entender y apreciar mejor la magia en cada persona.

Descripción tomada de:
Original en Ingles
Traducción RoseCBR

Must Read this Summer, Marcelo in the Real World, by Francisco Stork.

Marcelo in the Real World
by Francisco Stork

Arthur A. Levine Books
320 p.

Seventeen-year-old Marcelo Sandoval hears music no one else can hear, part of the autism-like impairment no doctor has been able to identify. Marcelo is tagged with a "developmental disorder" because of his pervasive interest in God and all things religious and because he does not relate to others as expected. He's always attended a special school where his differences have been protected. But the summer after his junior year, his father demands that Marcelo work in his law firm's mailroom in order to experience "the real world." There Marcelo meets Jasmine, a beautiful and surprising coworker, and Wendell, the son of another partner in the firm. Marcelo learns about competition and jealousy, anger and desire. But it's a picture he finds in a file — a picture of a girl with half a face — that truly connects him with the real world: its suffering, its injustice, and what he can do to fight.
Personal Note: Haven't read this one yet, but I think that this special topic, is so interesting and that people should be more informed about this kind of disorders, so we can understand and appreciate better the magic in every person.

Description Taken from:

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

Follow Friday my Book Blog!!

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Hola chicos, visitando blogs por que hoy es Viernes!! unete a la diversión, y recuerda visitar a:

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